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The Millboard Company Ltd (hereafter known as Millboard) videos may contain advice, opinions, instructions and statements from Millboard and/or other content and information providers. This content is intended to be used as a general guideline and for information purposes only. You use the video and content at your own risk. Whilst we will endeavour to keep the information up to date, we strongly urge you to consult a professional or some other authority in the appropriate field before using any of the content. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Millboard makes no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied, as to the information or content included in the video. Millboard also expressly disclaims all representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied representations, warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose and those arising from a course of dealing or usage.

Millboard does not accept liability for any claim, loss, demands or damages of any kind whatsoever (whether such claims, loss, demands or damages were foreseeable, known or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with the use of the information, content or materials included in this video, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, and whether or not advised of the possibility of such claim, loss demand or damages and whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract or otherwise.

July 2024



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